The Meat ball and the Apple Essay scene vs summery

I think the way that kid in the meatball essay described step by step how he went about his experience with his mother in making meatballs almost by the end of every week and how she acted and how many meatball experiences were not always successful. it had me go throw these feeling that he went throw his anxiety his fears happy moments it felt by the end that I knew this family. The Apple essay was very dull had no details mainly concentrated on apple picking and how beautiful it is and how it gives you a chance to see nature and enjoy the natural scents and the beauty of being out how ever I couldn’t relate to that time when the writer had an actual experience of actually picking apples and how that affected her or mad her realize something it was all kind of the same all three paragraphs maybe at the beginning she kind of painted a picture of the weather and how everything looked like at a field and how it almost felt to be there I would say Meatball Essay  was definitely the scene vs summery was the Apple essay.

Corn tastes better on the honor system

What do you think the title means?  its advising that the manner or the way we deal with plants which are the reason why humas survived that long on earth and was also the medicine for many years the honor system is mainly based on how we treat plants when harvesting and that we have to respect and know the plants we are dealing with to be able to properly treat it and harvest in very non-harmful way

  • What does the essay seem to be about (can you find or write on sentence that sums up the main point of the essay)?

Unsustainable industrial agriculture needs philosophical gene flow from indigenous knowledge, a cross-pollination of respectful relationship to breed a new agriculture that honors the plants as well as the people.

  • How would you explain the rhetorical aspects of the essay (purpose, audience, genre)?

purpose is explaining what the honor system is and explaining the history behind it and using corn as an example

audience is more concentrated on agriculture experts however still can be achieved by normal farmers and civilians

genre this essay, Robin reflects on the ancient technology embedded in our relationship with maize, recalling that a grinding stone, an irrigation system, and an ear of corn are also technology

  • What places in the essay (if any) did you find confusing or hard to understand? You can quote sentences you did not understand.
  •  Modern corn of industrial agriculture grows a uniform, homogeneous product, so unlike the riotous variety of indigenous maize.
  • What places in the essay did you find surprising or interesting or disturbing?

it was very interesting to know That The male and female flowers are on different parts of the plant, making it possible to influence the parentage of the seeds. The male tassels shed pollen from the top of the plant, and the female flowers, sheathed inside the ear, are connected to the outside world only by the corn silk, the long tubes that are the conduit for fertilization.

  • Quote three sentences that seem to you to be examples of effective specific detail or admirable word choice, and explain what you like about these sentences.
  • How their songs drew us up through the warming earth just for the joy of hearing them
  • It’s lonely without them. Grandfather Teosinte has been gone for so long; where is that gentle guidance when we need it most?
  • I remember how they celebrated my beautiful children with feasting and honor and passed them hand to hand in thanksgiving.
  • it’s amazing how she started the essay with a memory ad a personal experience as she went into details of how it used to feel at a certain point in her life

A List of Potential Topics

 A List of Potential Topics

1. Personal Growth and Development

  • Reflect on a significant experience that led to personal growth.
  • Discuss a challenging situation and how you overcame it.
  • Describe a mentor or role model who has significantly impacted your life.

2. Cultural and Community Engagement

  • Explore your involvement in a community service project.
  • Write about how your cultural background has shaped your identity.
  • Describe a cultural event or tradition that is meaningful to you.

3. Educational Journey

  • Discuss a particular course or subject that has inspired you.
  • Reflect on a school project or extracurricular activity that had a major impact.
  • Write about a teacher or professor who has influenced your academic path.

4. Career Aspirations and Goals

  • Describe your career goals and the steps you are taking to achieve them.
  • Write about an internship or job experience that has shaped your career aspirations.
  • Discuss the skills you have developed and how they will help in your future career.

5. Overcoming Adversity

  • Share a story about a time when you faced significant adversity.
  • Reflect on the lessons you learned from a difficult period in your life.
  • Write about how you have used a personal challenge to drive your ambitions.

6. Creativity and Innovation

  • Discuss a creative project or idea you have developed.
  • Reflect on how you approach problem-solving creatively.
  • Describe a moment of innovation in your life and its impact.

7. Global Awareness and Experiences

  • Write about a travel experience that broadened your perspective.
  • Discuss a global issue that you are passionate about and your efforts to address it.
  • Reflect on how your understanding of global cultures has evolved.

8. Hobbies and Interests

  • Describe a hobby or interest that is particularly important to you.
  • Write about how this interest has contributed to your personal growth.
  • Reflect on the community or connections you have built through this hobby.

9. Technological and Scientific Exploration

  • Discuss a scientific or technological topic that fascinates you.
  • Reflect on a science fair project or tech endeavor that was impactful.
  • Write about the future of technology and your role in it.

10. Values and Ethics

  • Reflect on a situation that tested your ethical beliefs.
  • Write about the core values that guide your life and decisions.
  • Discuss the importance of integrity and how you uphold it in your daily life.


Little to know about me :)

From the tender age of childhood, I discovered the exhilarating freedom that comes from putting pen to paper. In moments of joy, sorrow, excitement, and despair, I turned to writing as a means of expression—a way to give me a voice. As I traverse the winding pathways of literary exploration and creative expression. I am filled with wonder at the vastness of human experience. With each book read and each story written, I am invited to embark on a journey of self-discovery and that’s when i found that psychology books had every tool i needed to help connect me to understand this journey even more. with Each psychology book I’ve encountered has been a window into the human soul, offering glimpses into the depths of our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. each book has left an indelible mark on my understanding of the human of the quotes that really stuck with me was “The only way to deal with fear is to face it.” – Susan Jeffers, “Feel the Fear… and Do It Anyway”. Together, let us embark on a journey of exploration, inspiration, and connection—a journey that transcends the boundaries of time and space, and unites us in the boundless expanse of human imagination. With each page turned and each word written, let us celebrate the magic of literature and creativity, and embrace the infinite possibilities that lie within.


Title: Why 1.5 Billion People Eat with Chopsticks: Unraveling the Cultural Connection

In a world where utensils range from forks and knives to spoons and chopsticks, it’s the latter that capture the imagination with their intricate simplicity. Chopsticks, slender sticks typically made of wood, bamboo, or metal, are the primary eating utensils in various parts of Asia, particularly in China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam. But what lies behind the enduring popularity of chopsticks, with approximately 1.5 billion people regularly using them as their dining tool of choice?

A Symbol of Tradition and Culture
At the heart of chopsticks’ widespread usage lies their deep-rooted symbolism within Asian cultures. Chopsticks are more than just tools for picking up food; they symbolize cultural heritage, etiquette, and even spirituality. The history of chopsticks dates back thousands of years, with early versions believed to have originated in ancient China.